Driving a 5-speed manual transmission for any vehicle can take some time and practice. Manual transmissions require more concentration and effort compared to an automatic tranmission because more hand-eye coordination is required. Following the directions below can help you to grasp how to drive a 5 speed. When starting out, practice in a flat parking lot, away from obstacles. Once you get a feel for the car and practice, try driving on deserted stretches of oad.
Press down the brake using your right foot. Press down the clutch, which is the pedal furthest to the left, all the way down with your left foot. This causes the engine plate and transmission plate to separate, allowing the car to be put into first gear.
Place the shifter, which is the knob to the right of the steering wheel, either on the floor or on the steering column, into first gear---usually by moving it to the left, then up. Continue to hold the clutch down in place all the way.
Release your right foot off the brake and use your right foot to apply a small amount of pressure to the accelerator. It depends on the car, but you will typically want to bring the engine's revolutions per minute, or RPMs, to about 2,000. If the vehicle lacks a tachometer to indicate the RPMs, rev the engine until it sounds like it is running at more than an idle, but considerably less than a wound-up roar.
Slowly release the clutch at the same speed of acceleration so the car moves forward. Use judgment and feel to determine the gas to clutch ratio, so that the car takes off more smoothly with each attempt. Mastering this part of the experience is just a matter of practice.
Press the clutch all the way down, while the car is slowing down.
Stop the vehicle from moving by applying the brake with your right foot. The car should remain in gear in case you have to apply gas because of a sudden emergency.
Take the car out of gear by pulling the shifter into the center of the gearbox, when the vehicle has come to a complete stop, release the clutch.
Press the clutch all the way down while the car is moving and is already in another gear. For example, the car is in first gear and is moving slowly.
Shift gears by placing the shifter knob into the second gear position---usually located straight down from first gear---while continuing the hold down the clutch.
Slowly release the clutch with your left foot.
Accelerate the vehicle until the RPM's are about 3,000 to 4,000, or until the engine has reached a fairly high whine. Using the same sequence, shift the vehicle into third. Continue this pattern until you have reached the desired speed. The fifth gear, normally used for economical freeway driving, is the final gear this type of vehicle can be put into.