You can order your Wisconsin driving record from the Department of Transportation either online or by mail. It contains up to five years of driving history. However, convictions related to alcohol or other serious offenses stay on your record for 55 years. Certified copies cost $12. Uncertified copies are $7, or $5 if you request them online.
Certified driving records are official copies used by law enforcement, government agencies and courts for official purposes. They typically contain an official stamp or seal. Uncertified driving records are for informational purposes only and cannot be used for official business.
Submit online request on the DOT's website. You must provide your driver's license number or identification number, date of birth and last four numbers of your Social Security number. If you don't know your driver's license or identification number, you must provide your first, middle and last name and entire Social Security number. Once your order is complete, you get immediate access to your uncertified driving record, the only version available online.
By mail, you must complete and send Form MV2896, the Vehicle/Driver Record Information Sheet, to the DOT. The form is available for download on DOT's website. You must provide such information as your name, address, phone number, driver's license number and birthdate. Uncertified copy requests go to P.O. Box 7995, Madison, WI 53707-7995. Certified copy requests go to P.O. Box 7917, Madison, WI 53707-7917