I define highway hypnosis as an event where a driver goes into a trance-like state from staring at monotonous road patterns. Read on to learn more.
More about highway hypnosis.
How often have you gotten in your car and later find yourself at your destination and don't remember arriving? Well some call that highway hypnosis and some call it self-induced hypnosis. Either way, it is dangerous to the driver and all of the other drivers, pedestrians and animals around that hypnotic driver. We should do everything we can to avoid becoming hypnotized from staring at long stretches of monotonous road.
The first thing you should do if you feel yourself getting sleepy or blase' is wind your window down. Get some ventilation in the car.
Turn the air conditioner on and cool the car to a comfortable but cool temperature.
Look around while driving. Even if trees and flat land are all you see, look around anyway and avoid just staring for long periods of time. Constantly check your rear view mirror and your gas gauge. Just keep your eyes active.
If you get sleepy, pull over on the side of the road and rest. If safe, get out and stretch or walk a little. Find a safe place to take a quick nap. Go to a rest area and wash your face or do some jumping jacks. The point is to do what is necessary to shake that sleep off.
Drink a Red Bull. If your heart or health permits, drink an energy drink. I find that these are great "pick-me-uppers" and like Starbuck addicts; I must start my morning with a Red Bull.