How to Regain Control of a Skidding Car

How to Regain Control of a Skidding Car

To avoid skidding, defensive drivers will drive safely such as slowing down in inclement weather like rain, sleet and snow. But if for some reason you end up skidding, keep these tips in mind.

  • Types of Skids.

    According to the GMC Driving Manual, there are three types of skids. There is the braking skid (your wheels aren't rolling), the steering or cornering skid (driving too fast for a curve causing the tires to slip), and the acceleration skid, where too much force on the accelerator causes the driving wheels to spin. Regardless of the type of skid, it is important that you react in a manner that allows you to regain control of the vehicle safely..

  • Don't Panic.

    First, don't panic when the car starts skidding. Our first instinct is usually to immediately hit the breaks as hard as we can. Don't! Ease your foot off of the accelerator. Gently steer the car in the way you want it to go. Do not jerk the wheel in that direction, put gently guide the wheels so that it turn in the direction you want.

  • If the road is wet, traction could be a problem. Avoid sudden stops, braking or acceleration. Avoid sudden engine changes as well such as shifting the car to a lower gear. Just carefully guide the car wheel slowly and cautiously until you regain control.

  • Anti-Lock Brakes System (ABS)

    Some cars, like the 1998 Z-28 Camaro have systems control such as the anti-lock brakes systems. The ABS is an electronic control design meant to help the driver when experiencing a "braking" skid. If your car have ABS, don't pump the brakes, just hold them down in one smooth motion and let the computerized system do the work for you.

  • Acceleration Slip Regulation System (ASR)

    Cars with the ASR systems control is designed to manage the vehicle when skidding on slippery roads. ASR kicks in when the computerized system detects that the rear wheels are spinning or have lost traction.

  • The biggest and most important thing you need to remember is not to panic once the car starts skidding. Remain calm, ease off the accelerator and safely guide the vehicle in the desired direction.