Most states allow you to make a right turn at a red light. However, there are things you need to know before you do it. First of all, be sure the state allows it, especially if you are driving through several states in one trip. You need to be sure there isn't a sign that says, "Do not turn right on red."
Check that the state allows right turns at a red light before driving through the state. Most of the time you will know since most of your driving is in the state where you live.
Be sure that there isn't a sign that says, "No right on red." If there is, you can't make the turn at that red light.
Come to a full stop. Even though you can make a right turn, you still need to regard the red light as a stop sign. This means coming to a complete stop and checking conditions before making the turn.
Look and see if there is any oncoming traffic. You need to check for traffic coming straight as well as from the left turn lane. Wait for a break in the traffic before proceeding.
See if there are any people crossing the street. You need to wait until they are across before you can proceed.
Make sure everything is clear and make your right turn.