Every driver needs to know how to properly cross railroad tracks. Every crossing is different, but the rules for crossing railroad tracks always stay the same. It is important to remember that the safety precautions put in place are for a reason and must be followed to maintain you and your passenger's safety.
Slow your vehicle down before crossing a railroad track. Even if there are no flashing lights or lowered crossing arms indicating a train is approaching, you should look both ways down the track in case a train is close.
Turn your radio down when you are approaching a railroad crossing and listen for an approaching train. Listening for a train is very important because other indicators may not be properly working.
Stop when railroad crossing lights are flashing or when crossing arms are lowered. Drivers tend to think that they are smarter than the safety precautions put in place, but they are not. Cars are not faster than trains, and no matter where you need to be, it is not worth playing chicken with a train.
Look both ways on the track even after the lights stop flashing and the crossing arms are raised. Also, look to see if there is more than one track when crossing so that you are not surprised by another train mid-crossing.
Keep your vehicle moving forward at all times when crossing a railroad track. If your car stalls or breaks down on a railroad track, immediately exit the vehicle and call the police.