The Massey Ferguson 240 model tractors are built and distributed by the AGCO Corp. The 240 model tractor is used for farming, industrial, construction and residential purposes. The tractor comes equipped with a 46-horsepower diesel engine and a three-point hitch system. The tractor is designed to operate in either two-wheel drive or four-wheel drive. The 240 also has a transmission that works much like the transmissions found in regular automobiles. Safely driving and operating a tractor reduces strain on the operator because the tractor does most of the work.
Walk around the tractor and ensure that all of the wheels are inflated. Check the engine oil and the radiator coolant. Inspect the driving path of the tractor to ensure that there is nothing in the way.
Climb into the driver seat of the Massey Ferguson 240 and secure the seat belt around your waist. Familiarize yourself with all of the instruments on the dash panel and the levers for the hydraulic system. Also make a note of the transmission gear diagram located around the base of the transmission shifter. The diagram shows the exact gear locations for the shifter.
Move the throttle lever on the dash to about the middle of the throttle lever bracket. Hold the brake pedal and the clutch pedal all the way down with your feet. The brake pedal is on the right-side foot board and the clutch pedal is on the left-side foot board. Turn the key to the accessory position for approximately 10 seconds and then crank the engine.
Raise the three-point hitch system until it is completely up by pulling up on the lever that is located on the right-hand side of the seat. Grab the gear shifter and move it to the first gear position. Slowly release the brake and the clutch at the same time. Once you release the clutch and the brake, the tractor will begin moving. Adjust the idle speed of the engine by moving the throttle lever up and down.
Press the clutch pedal in and move the gear selector to the second gear position. Slowly release the clutch and continue driving the tractor until you are ready to move the gear shifter into the third gear selection. Repeat the same gear selection process until the gear shifter is in the last gear.
Slow the tractor down by pulling back on the throttle lever and pressing in on the clutch pedal and the brake pedal. Once the tractor comes to a stop, move the gear selector to the "R" gear selector on the gear diagram to drive the tractor in reverse. Slowly release the clutch and the brake to drive the tractor in reverse.
Slow the tractor to a stop again by pressing in on the clutch pedal and the brake pedal. Pull the throttle lever all the way down. Move the gear shifter to the first gear selection. Turn the key off and pull out on the engine kill lever located at the bottom-center of the dash panel. Once the engine stops running, release the clutch pedal and the brake pedal.