Sometimes, even after you receive your license, you need to work on your driving skills. Even if you're an experienced driver, it's always good to brush up on the basics. After mastering the elements of driving, you can ensure yours and others' safety as you drive on the road. Read below to learn how to safely practice your driving skills before facing daily traffic.
Find a large, empty parking lot to practice your skills in. A quiet subdivision will also work if you can't find a parking lot.
Set up cones to match a parking space in the parking lot. The cones will give you both visual and audible feedback regarding how you well you are parking your vehicle.
Set up 2 cones about 8 feet from each other. These cones will be used to see how well you can back up your vehicle.
Practice backing up first. When you are about 10 feet from the two cones, start backing up at a walking pace until you feel that you are within 2 feet of the traffic cones. Stop the car, and check your distance from the cones. If you are past the cones, or not close enough, repeat the procedure again until you get it right.
Practice parallel, perpendicular, and reverse parking in the traffic cone parking spot. As you do so, always look around for the cones to check where they are.
Drive around the parking lot at a speed of no more than 20 MPH and practice both left and right-hand turns, always ensuring that you are looking around for where other vehicles will be coming from - and going to - in real traffic situations. Remember who has right of way in all traffic environments and practice those scenarios. Repeat these skill tests until you feel that you have mastered them. Then it is time to get on the road.