How to Recover Lost Keys

How to Recover Lost Keys

It is very frustrating when you have lost your keys, but we have all been there. Sometimes it seems like you always lose them at the most inopportune time --- when you are late for work or have an important interview. Don't panic. There are some useful tips that can help you find your keys. If you don't have time to look for the keys, use a spare set and locate the keys when you have more time.

  • Look carefully in the areas you think the keys may be and remain calm. The only way you will be able to find your keys are if you can think clearly and rationally. Ask yourself, If you have lost your keys before, where you found them. They may be in the same place now.

  • Retrace your steps. Go back to your car and do everything exactly as you did it when you last had your keys. Did you check your mail and mistakenly leave it in the mailbox? Did you leave the keys in the kitchen when you put away your groceries? Think about the last times you used your keys. What were you wearing? Could it be in the pocket of your clothing? Did you change your purse or briefcase? If so, check the other bag. Retrace your steps, and you may find the keys in an unexpected place.

  • Ask anyone who may have been in the area where you last had your keys whether he moved them. Perhaps your housekeeper cleaned the area where you left them and put them somewhere. Or maybe your spouse saw them lying on the counter and picked them up so they wouldn't get lost.

  • Check the place where the keys are supposed to be. This may sound obvious, but many times, items are exactly where they should be. Did you check the key hanger or your purse or briefcase?

  • Look for the keys under hidden spots. They may be camouflaged or hidden behind something. If you are sure you put the keys in your purse or briefcase, dump the contents out. Even if you already looked inside, the keys may have been hidden behind a magazine. If you remember dropping them on the couch, look behind the pillows. Maybe they fell behind a pillow or cushion.

  • Retrace your steps again when you are more calm. Call a cab or ask someone for a ride if you are running late and you can't find your car keys. If you lost your house keys, call and ask someone with a spare set to bring them so you can lock up and leave. Allow time to pass, and when you have calmed down, retrace your steps and look again.

  • Use a key locator if you are prone to losing your keys. There are several different brands on the market. A key locator is a little electronic tag you put on your key ring. It looks similar to the remote key fob used in keyless entry systems on newer vehicles. If you lose your keys, you can set it to ring so you can find it. Some are activated by clapping, keywords or even another remote.