How to Soften a Car Ride in a Jeep

How to Soften a Car Ride in a Jeep

A comfortable and smooth ride is largely dependent on the performance of key components in a Jeep's suspension system. While the type and condition of the shock absorbers are significant contributors to a good ride, other factors -- like the aerodynamics; spring flexibility and rigidity; tire shape and size, and anti-roll bar design and strength -- will also determine how your jeep handles dips, turns and bumps. Tinker with your Jeep's suspension system to improve handling and performance.

Things You'll Need

  • Gas shock absorbers
  • Tires
  • Progressive springs
  • Linear springs
  • Anti-roll bar
  • Change your Jeep's current shock-absorbing system with a new set of gas shock absorbers. With continuous use over time, even the best shock absorbers can wear out, and this is usually the main cause of an uncomfortable ride. Gas shocks are considerably more efficient than their hydraulic counterparts, especially over potholes and bumps in the road.

  • Select a new set of tires, making sure that they have higher sidewalls than those of your existing set. Tires with shorter sidewalls aren't flexible enough to absorb the effects of bumps and potholes and, as a result, the shocks that occur are transferred to the entire suspension system.

  • Substitute the current springs in the suspension system with a more pliable set. If maneuvering around curves and sharp bends concerns you, go for "progressive" springs, as they become less rigid with light pressure, and firm under heavy compression or impact. Alternatively, you may select "linear" springs, as these are not only softer and more flexible, they respond swiftly and consistently, irrespective of the compression they're subjected to.

  • Install an anti-roll bar that is designed for routine road use, if your jeep isn't fitted with one. However, avoid inflexible anti-roll bars which are designed specifically for racing, because such bars augment cornering performance, but reduce ride and drive comfort. Anti-roll bars essentially lower vehicle swing, particularly around curves and corners..