How to Identify an Ohio License Plate Owner

How to Identify an Ohio License Plate Owner

A variety of reasons exist for wanting to identify someone when you only have their license plate number. Maybe you saw a hit and run accident, perhaps the driver was acting suspicious or you might want information on an abandoned vehicle. Regardless the reasons, in Ohio you can find out who owns a car and their last known address, get their driving record and research the vehicle history by filling out a form and paying the required fees.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer (or access to an Ohio BMV)
  • Pen
  • Money
  • Obtain an Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles Record Request Form. You can print one out from the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) website or request one from your nearest BMV branch.

  • Fill out the top part and Part C of the form. Check "Other" under "this request is being made ..." Below that check off the information you are requesting. Under Part C mark the appropriate number for why you are requesting the information. Generally you will mark number one "as an individual" unless you are part of an investigation.

  • Complete Parts A and B. Part A is information about yourself and must be completed fully and signed. Part B regards the other person. Fill this out as completely as possible.

  • Write a check for the total of the fees. The fees are listed at the top part of the form and vary depending on how much information you want about the person or vehicle. If you are taking the form to a Deputy Registrar or to the BMV at 1970 West Broad Street in Columbus you must pay an additional $3.50, as of October 2010. Make the check payable to the Ohio Treasurer.

  • Mail the form to the address listed on the form. You can also turn it in to a Deputy Registrar or to the Customer Service Center in Columbus, but there is an additional fee. The results of your request will be mailed to you.