How to Brake With a Stick Shift

How to Brake With a Stick Shift

A manual transmission, also known as a “stick shift,” can be a fun to operate. All of the gear shifting keeps you “on your toes.” You get the feeling that you are actually driving the vehicle, instead of the vehicle driving you. When you don't know how to brake with a stick shift, the fun can quickly turn into dread when you approach a stopping point. Failure to brake properly can also result in expensive repairs to your clutch plate and brake pads.

  • Remove your foot from the gas pedal.

  • Place your foot on the brake pedal. Gently start tapping your brake to slow down the vehicle.

  • Downshift your gears as your speed continues to decrease. Generally, you can downshift to fourth gear when your speed drops less than 65 mph, third gear when less than 35 mph, second gear when less than 25 mph and first gear when less than 15 mph. This protocol will vary by vehicle.

  • Avoid “riding the clutch” while you are downshifting gears. Once you shift gears, remove your foot from the clutch until it is time to shift again.

  • Place your gear in the “Neutral” position when your speed is under 10 mph. Continue to press the brake pedal until your vehicle comes to a complete stop.