The four-wheel drive system used by Nissan includes a high and low range setting, giving you more than one option if the road ahead is slippery, rough or if you are traveling through rough terrain off road. Nissan states in the owner's manual that the four-wheel drive low range setting should be used for maximum power or when traction is very limited. Steep inclines, very sandy or rocky terrain and muddy roads are all examples of driving conditions that may require four-wheel drive low range (4LO).
Bring the vehicle to a complete stop and shift the transmission into the neutral position. You cannot engage 4LO with the vehicle moving.
Depress the brake pedal and turn the four-wheel drive selector from 2WD to 4H then to 4LO. Do not spin the selector directly to 4LO, move it one position at a time to allow the transfer case to shift through the gear set inside it.
Shift the transmission back in to drive or first gear on a manual transmission vehicle, release the brake and continue on. Be aware that you will need to drive much slower in 4LO. Never exceed 30 miles per hour while in 4LO.