When driving your vehicle you may want to know what the average miles per hour you have driven over your trip. Although this may not prove to be of any great importance it is nice to know and you may figure out you can legally drive faster and make up more time. You can determine your drive hours with your mileages on the dash board and the aid of a handy calculator.
Press the reset button on your dash board's speedometer. This resets it back to zero.
Look at the time at when you start your drive.
Look at your speedometer and your clock when you finish your drive. Round your time to the nearest 15 minutes (this makes for easier math but won't change the drive hours significantly).
Enter the number of files you drove into your calculator, then divide it by the hours you drove. If you drove 4 hours and 15 minutes, this is equal to 4.25 (because 15 minutes is a quarter of an hour). Press the equal button and you are given the average miles per hour you drive.