How to Balance on a Scooter

A motorized or electric scooter is a great way to get from place to place in a quick and efficient manner. Unfortunately, transitioning from a car with four wheels to a scooter with two can be tricky, as a new kind of balance must be trained and honed to ride safely. But with a few hours of practice in an open area, anyone can be out on the road cruising in safely, style and efficiency.

Things You'll Need

  • Scooter
  • Helmet
  • Ask an experienced rider to transport your scooter to an open practice area, such as a large parking lot or open garage.

  • Start the scooter and put on your helmet. Be sure that it fits snugly and does not move around on your head unnecessarily. Always wear a helmet when riding your scooter, and always put it on before climbing onto your scooter, to avoid forgetting.

  • Swing one leg over the scooter, or step through the frame opening so that you are sitting on the seat with both feet on the ground. Lean the scooter from side to side beneath you to get a feel for its weight.

  • To begin, lightly roll the throttle backward on the handlebars until the scooter begins moving. Pick up your feet and place them on the platform in front of you.

  • If the scooter leans to the right, turn the handlebars to the right to counter its lean. It the scooter leans to the left, turn the handlebars left. This keeps the scooter upright on only two wheels because of the "rake" and "trail" of the front fork. Practice riding in as straight a line as possible at differing speeds before attempting an intentional turn.

  • When you can ride consistently in a straight line, try a few light turns. Focus on making only one turn at a time by leaning your body in the direction you want to go. It is not necessary, generally, to turn the bars with any force as the weight of the scooter will do this for you. Focus on maintaining a constant speed through the entirety of your turns.

  • Practice starting and stopping while turning to hone your skills as a rider. Sometimes these motions will be necessary on the road, such as at stop signs and traffic signals.

  • When riding on the road for the first time, it is helpful to have an experienced rider follow behind to give you pointers on the way. here is no replacement for expertise, so do not ride past your ability level on the street at any time.