How to Appeal Your Driver's License Suspension

How to Appeal Your Driver's License Suspension

There are several reasons your driver's license may be suspended. Unpaid traffic tickets, failure to appear in court, previous convictions, overdue child support and medical problems are all potential causes of a suspension. Depending on the nature of your suspension and the state you live in, you may be able to have your license reinstated. This process varies from state to state, but you will need to follow the same general path for reinstatement.

Things You'll Need

  • A computer
  • The abililty to complete DMV forms
  • The persistance to appeal if you are denied.
  • Determine why your license is suspended. Most states have an online service that allows you to look up your license and figure out why the suspension has occurred.

  • Read about your suspension type to find out if you can apply for reinstatement. Steps for different suspensions are different and some may require spending time in court.

  • Contact the agency responsible for the suspension. For example, if your license is suspended due to a lapse in insurance, you will need to speak with your insurance company. If late child support payments are the cause, you will have to take it up with the state agency that handles child support payments.

  • Wait for the mandatory suspension period to pass. If your license was suspended for a set period by a court, you cannot file for reinstatement until this time has passed.