If you live in Florida and travel the interstates frequently but dislike the heavy traffic, you may wish to purchase an Epass. This will save you time and traffic troubles in the long run, as these roads tend to be lighter on traffic because of the tolls. An Epass is a small transponder you purchase that has your information on it. You may receive discounted tolls over the cash price by purchasing an Epass. You can learn more about how to get started and use an Epass right here.
Go online to the Epass website listed within this article and register to use an Epass.
Accept the user agreement and fill in the form fields for the Epass information, following all of the six navigation tabs along the top of your screen. Develop and create a unique account with a username and PIN to login. You can use this Epass for personal or business but must specify this information when you register. Click continue when you have completed those screens.
Fill in the "account information" form for your Epass with applicant and co-applicant information as completely as possible. It is a good idea to check the box to receive monthly statements so you know your transponder is working properly and paying your tolls.
Fill in the "vehicle information" form as completely as possible. You can have more than one registered vehicle, but make sure the license plate and tag information is accurate for each. Failure to do so can result in fines and unpaid tolls. You will also need the color, make, year and model of the cars that will use the Epass.
Fill in your credit card and payment information. You will not be able to properly register your Epass without this information. Make sure you loaded the Epass with an adequate amount for paying tolls. You can add to it later or have it replenish from your credit card account automatically if your account falls below a designated amount.
Look for your confirmation screen and print this information if you need it. Then wait for your Epass to arrive in the mail and begin using it.
Check your Epass account periodically to ensure tolls are being recorded and deducted accordingly and the account is adequately funded.
Check your email for tollway updates, information and any other information regarding your Epass account. These often include long-term closures, changes to policy and lane information.
Apply your Epass to your rearview mirror in the appropriate place according to the diagram you receive. It should face the correct direction in order to record tolls accurately. If you use this in a different vehicle, you will need to hold the transponder in place when you pass toll lanes.
Be sure you are in an Epass lane so your toll can be paid using your transponder. Do not enter into any cash lanes. Lanes are clearly marked for your convenience.