Paying a parking ticket has become easier because you can now pay them over the Internet. You can also check unpaid tickets and paid tickets across any state over the Internet. The only information you need is either your license number, your license plate number or your ticket number. Searching by the license plate number is easier if you need to check on the status of a ticket for another person.
Navigate to the official state website of your choice and click on the "Police" link. As an example, go to the City of Chicago website (see Resources).
Scroll down to the "Search by" section. Click "License Plate."
Type the license plate number in the "Plate Number" field. Click the "State" drop-down box. Choose the State of the license plate.
Click the drop-down box in the "Plate Type" field. Choose the type of vehicle the license plate belongs to.
Click inside the "Owner last name or company name" field. Type the owner's name the plate belongs to. Click "Search by Plate."