How to Pay a DVLA Penalty Charge Online

How to Pay a DVLA Penalty Charge Online

The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, or DVLA, is the organization in the United Kingdom that deals with all vehicle tax and driver's licensing issues. It does not deal with penalty charges or parking tickets. To pay your penalty charge in the UK, look on the notice to find out the council or borough that issued you the ticket or penalty. You can usually pay online.

Things You'll Need

  • Parking ticket or penalty charge notice slip
  • Penalty charge notice number
  • Vehicle registration number
  • Credit card or debit card
  • Look on the back of the penalty charge notice (PCN) or parking ticket for the website of the borough or council. Enter the website address into the address bar on your computer.

    How to Pay a DVLA Penalty Charge Online
    Paying online is fairly simple.
  • Look along the top of the page or along the left or right side at the website's category headings. Click on the heading that includes the word online. It may say "online services" or "pay online." Some websites may have a heading to do with transport and streets, or parking. Click on the one that applies to you.

  • Click on the subheading that includes the words "parking fines" or "penalty charges" or "pay online."

  • Find the PCN number on the front of the parking ticket or notice. Enter the number on the computer.

  • Type in the registration number of the vehicle issued the ticket. Click "next."

  • Enter your name, address and credit or debit card details. Enter the long number across the center, the expiry date and then the card security code, CVV2 or CID code.

    How to Pay a DVLA Penalty Charge Online
    Have your credit card ready.
  • Click "pay" or "next." Look at the details of the transaction when they appear. Check these carefully and when you're ready, click "confirm" or "next."

  • Print or save the receipt page to retain as evidence that you have paid your fine.