When it comes to biodiesel energy as a fuel, there are some pros and cons that should weigh in your decision to use this type of bioenergy. Biodiesel is slowly increasing in popularity, but there are still not that many biodiesel stations out there. If you are near one, then it may be a viable option for you. In either case, here are the advantages and disadvantages of biodiesel.
Biodiesel fuel is safe in various ways. First, it is a non toxic substance, as well as being biodegradable. It is also safe in that transport is quick and easy.
Biodiesel Emissions
Compared to gasoline emissions, biodiesel emissions are much less. This means that biodiesel is less harmful to our environment.
Biodiesel fuel does not need a new diesel engine, it can be run in any standard diesel engine already in cars.
Other Pros
Other pros include potentially being a renewable fuel source, high conductivity, and increased lubricity.
Low Energy
Biodiesel does not hold as much power when compared to regular diesel or gasoline based fuels. This results in a loss of power, and it is pretty significant. Biodiesel is about ten percent less powerful.
Engine Problems
Even though a regular diesel engine can run biodiesel, that does not mean that it is ideal. It may cause problems since it is equipped to run on petroleum diesel and not biodiesel.
To store biodiesel over a long period of time could create problems. As it sits, it can become thicker, which can in turn cause clogs in the fuel filters, as well as corrosion.