Biodiesel is an increasingly popular fuel that is being used all over the world. Biodiesel use is also being popularized by the UK and Europe Governments in an effort to reduce emissions and to protect the environment. But if you are worried about biodiesel safety, and biodiesel storage, here are a few tips on how to use these biodiesel blends carefully.
Check the Fuel Lines
You can safely use biodiesel in your car with no modifications at all. This works better if you have a car that works primarily on diesel. Please make sure though that your car has metal fuel lines. Cars that were made in the 2000s have synthetic fuel lines that are completely safe just like metal lines. But rubber will deteriorate with time, causing leaks and clogging of fuel filters. Most manufacturers recommend a blend of B20 to get the best out of the car.
Use Better Blends in Colder Temperatures
At lower temperatures, biodiesel blends tend to gel. This will result in no flow and a clogging of fuel lines. You can easily avoid this problem by using blends like B50 that work much better in colder climes.
Control Bacterial Growth in Larger Tanks that Contaminate Fuel
If you have a vehicle that has a large tank, then you will notice this problem. Most large tanks are half filled with fuel resulting in a larger amount of air that is present. Any humidity present in the air will result in the air filling with bacteria that will eventually move in to the fuel. You will need to add biocides to the fuel to make it work. Each biocide bottle costs about $30 and is found at the garage.
Change Your Fuel Filter
You have to remember that most biofuels have higher dissolving properties as compared to ordinary fuel. As a result, they are more likely to loosen dirt and carry it along with it to choke up filters that are present. Check fuel filters carefully and change them more regularly as compared to regular fuel.
Get in Touch with Your Car Manufacturer
A few car companies do not cover your car under the warranty if you use biofuel without prior intimation. This is because most cars are not specifically made for biofuel consumption and use. Check with the manufacturer before you proceed. If the car manufacturer is fine with the use of biodiesel, find out exactly which blend would work the best too. Virtually every vehicle can use a 5% biodiesel blend, but do check before you start regularly using it.
Do not Buy Local
This may seem silly, but we do recommend you use professionally created biofuel that has been blended by experts. You will use cheaper variants that have been created at home and it can probably create just enough for personal use too. if you have a large requirement of biodiesel, we recommend you find a professional dealer who will supply you with checked and purified biodiesel.