A hydrogen car conversion can help you save on fuel costs by up to 60%. Hydrogen gas combined with the standard air/fuel mixture produces the best fuel for mpg (Miles Per Gallon) increases. This form of alternative car fuel is provided by a hydrogen generator mounted under the hood. Moreover, larger, more efficient generators are mounted elsewhere in the vehicle. Once set up, the hydrogen gas (fuel) will be produced from water, an electrolyte compound, and electricity supplied by your vehicle.
The hydrogen cell, or generator, is simple in its construction. It consists of a sealed container that contains the electrodes, distilled water, and electrolyte solution. This is the actual generator (cell). When electricity is applied to the cell, electrolysis of the water begins, forming hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. The gases are routed to a bubbler. A bubbler is a container that has a quantity of water in it, and the gases “bubble” up through the water, and on to the next stage. Bubblers are a necessary safety stage that prevents the possibility of an explosive backfire. The next stage is commonly referred to as a vaporizer or scrubber. Its function is to prevent any liquids from entering your engine’s intake, and to prevent trace amounts of electrolyte from escaping the system.
Because the system contains liquids and gases, the components must be oriented correctly. The cell, bubbler, and vaporizer must be mounted up right, and should be mounted as close to the centerline of the vehicle as possible. The reason for centering the containers is because at the centerline of the vehicle, there is more stability, and less sloshing of the liquid will occur. Moreover, because the gases from the cell need to rise, the bubbler must be positioned above the cell. The distance required depends on the volume of gas the cell can produce. The higher the volume of gas produced, the higher the pressure will be. At higher pressures, some of the water/electrolyte mixture will be transported out of the cell and into the exhaust line. The bubbler needs to be far enough above the cell to prevent any extraneous water/electrolyte mixture from entering the bubbler. The vaporizer will work best if placed in close proximity to the bubbler. That way, the line coming from the vaporizer, and heading to the engine, will only contain gas. This is especially important if the cell and bubbler have been placed within the trunk of the vehicle. In this instance, having a line that will only carry gas is preferable, because the line will encounter dips and turns on its way to the engine compartment. Everyplace there is a bend, and/or dip in the line, is a place where residual liquid from the bubbler would accumulate. Accumulation of any amount of liquid in the line supplying the engine is undesirable. Liquid in the supply line can restrict the flow of the gasses, resulting in blowback. Additionally, liquid in the supply line could enter your vehicle’s engine, and permanently damage it.
Care should be taken when installing a conversion kit, as hydrogen is very explosive. Make sure all fittings are tight and containers are properly sealed.