Texas has more fatal car accidents involving alcohol than any other state. An approach focused on punishment and not education has not been effective in reducing the statistics.
It is widely known that Texas has a major problem with drinking drivers. Perhaps it is the old West mentality but make no mistake, Texas needs serious changes in order to protect our citizens. Leading the nation with accidents involving alcohol that lead to a fatality is something that needs to change and change quickly.
MADD or mothers against drunk driving have been politically active in the state of Texas for quite some time now. The organization appears frustrated with the lack of progress made within the state. While Texas has been a leader in punishment, it clearly lacks resources in the area of education and that may be the most important component of the battle.
Educational campaigns do two things, they put the issue in front of the public and they serve to convince younger drivers who are most at risk that there are options and consequences. Some of the more successful campaigns include the “Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk”, “DWI You Can’t Afford It”, and “Don’t Drink And Drive”.
MADD’s most recent campaigns to combat drunk driving include “Support Our Heroes” which is a campaign directed toward highlighting law enforcement officials enforcing DWI laws, ‘Sober To Start” which is a campaign to require technological additions to cars that prevent drinking drivers from starting a vehicle and “Secure The Future” which is an innovative approach of identifying and supporting technological advances aimed at early detection of a drinking driver.
Some more recent campaigns include “Friends Don’t Let Friends Ride Drunk” and “Drinking Can Kill A Friendship”. According to the ad Council, 68% of Americans reported that they have tried to stop someone from driving after drinking. There is little doubt that the campaigns if funded appropriately are effective in protecting our communities.
Another initiative by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is titled “Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over”, which is directed at crackdowns over peak holidays involving record number of drinking drivers. New Year’s, Fourth of July and even Labor Day weekend produce record number of DWI arrests across the country. There is no doubt that when properly funded, campaigns in the public eye can influence decision-making by the group most susceptible to drinking and driving those aged 18 to 25. When a majority of Americans can say that they have attempted to prevent a drinking driver from driving, it is safe to say we have made great progress in public awareness.
Texas has initiated several programs to combat the DWI problem in the state and some like the “no refusal weekend” have been a success. The no refusal program allocates resources so law enforcement is able to obtain a warrant to obtain blood samples of those who refuse testing. Previously, it has been difficult for an officer to obtain a warrant timely enough to be effective.
The no refusal weekend has produced record numbers of arrests and convictions across the state. Nevertheless, record number of arrests are not enough to stem the tide of drunk driving fatal accidents in the state of Texas. Our approach of punishment first education second has not produced the results needed to make our community safer. Education and funding for campaigns such as set forth above are critical to the long-term goal of reducing drunk driving accidents in the state of Texas.
There are many other options for combating drunk driving in the state of Texas and some include changes to the law that applies to bars and clubs that serve alcohol for a profit. Texas currently has what is known as a “dram shop” law but it is woefully inadequate in incentivizing alcohol providers from over serving patrons. Amending the dram shop law to make it easier to hold bars and clubs accountable for serving people who are already obviously intoxicated would go a long way in reducing unnecessary deaths of the state of Texas.
Whether it is media campaign, changes to the laws in preventing drunks on the street or technological advances that help prevent drinking drivers, there is little doubt that Texas needs to stress education to stem the tide of unnecessary fatal crashes involving alcohol.