Motorcyclists Encouraged to Wear Helmets
Because the weather is beautiful, more and more of our Harley-riding friends have taken to the streets and highways on their motorcycles.
As most riders know, wearing a helmet is mandatory in New Jersey, but not so mandatory in Pennsylvania. In Pennsylvania, you are not required to wear a helmet if you meet the following criteria:
You are 21 years of age or older;
You are licensed to operate a motorcycle for not less than two full calendar years OR have completed a motorcycle safety course approved by PennDOT or the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.
But why would anyone not wear a helmet? The dangers associated with riding without a helmet are terrifying. In 2012, National Highway Traffic Safety Institute estimates helmets saved the lives of 1,699 motorcyclists and that an additional 781 lives could have been saved if all motorcyclists had worn helmets. In states without universal helmet laws, 62% of the motorcyclists killed in 2012 were not wearing helmets compared to 9% in the states with universal helmet laws. The pure statistics are breathtaking.
National Highway Traffic Safety Institute sponsored a study in 1996 to dispel the arguments by motorcyclists that wearing a helmet adversely affected their vision and hearing. The results revealed that wearing a helmet does NOT restrict the ability to hear auditory signals or the likelihood of seeing a vehicle in an adjacent lane prior to changing lanes.