When Is it Time to Call a Personal Injury Attorney and How Can an Accident Attorney Help You?

You don’t always know when to get an accident attorney. After all, if someone else's negligence has injured you or caused you harm, even if it was an accident, you are still the one left to pick up the pieces. Accident or not, if someone else is liable then they should have to be held responsible for what you are missing out on.
Whether you were injured at home, at work, in a vehicle, or in a public place, if someone else is responsible personal injury done to you needs to be dealt with accordingly.

If the manager in charge of a facility does not file an accident report, that manager is going against regulation by not reporting it. If the person in charge of a place that you have paid to be in does not make you sign a waiver are they responsible for your safety, or are you an independent American who can chose to make your own decisions about your body and what is considered safe? When it comes to personal injury, companies will sometimes try to threaten you if you did not report within 48 hours. This is an intimidating tactic used to make you feel like you do not stand a chance. I cannot stress this enough: Do not fall for this, instead consult a personal injury attorney and see what an accident attorney thinks about the entire matter.

If the other driver is clearly at fault, but swears up and down that it was your fault don’t let that intimidate you. The truth will come out in the end. If you are having trouble getting medical bills paid for by an insurance company just bring up the fact that you are going to be contacting your personal injury attorney and see how fast the tone of everyone changes. If you are dealing with an auto insurance company, it is typical for some insurance companies to try and pay you as little as possible.

A good accident attorney usually knows the best insurance companies around. Insurance companies that will supply you with a rental car while your car is repaired and insurance companies that do not think twice before paying out on a claim. They know which insurance companies that have a professional estimate done. Not everyone is out to get you. It’s a sad time we live in when we have to have a personal injury lawyer and insurance company just to get by through an accident or injury, but if you have accident attorney that genuinely cares what you think and how you feel it makes a HUGE difference.

There are more determining factors to your case other than just an accident report. Who else knows about what happened? The officer that first arrives on the scene takes the first accounts of everything that happened. This is a crucial part of putting all parts of the story together. Upon first consultation the first statements are made. First statements are often referenced in the court of law. Any discrepancies between someone’s first statement and statements made later on can discredit a witness.

Make sure you tell your character witness not to contradict themselves in any way. Any details leading up to the accident, or even during and after could help verify your honesty. It is good to have a character witness. A character witness is usually a family member or close friend that genuinely loves you and wants everyone to know that you are a really great person.

A good character witness can be a boss or colleague, a mentor or counselor, or an associate with a prestigious career but regardless of who you choose as a character witness the most important thing is that the person is charismatic. Another thing you can do to help your case is keep a journal of all your accounts of the incident and incidental costs that arise as a direct cause of your accident. Keeping a journal will not always help in court but it may help the personal injury attorney better understand what you are going through. If the accident attorney has an accurate timeline of events it is easier for them to see the bigger picture.

When you are involved in an accident usually you make three calls: the local police officer, your insurance company, and if you know what you are doing your personal injury lawyer as well. If you need any more reasons to consult a personal injury attorney go ask one for yourself.