After an accident, do your best and remain calm. Everything you do and say following the collision could affect a future insurance claim or lawsuit.
The moments after an accident are a confusing time, particularly if you sustain injuries. Although you need to focus on addressing your injuries, you also need to consider a possible legal claim when the negligence of other parties caused the accident. The most detailed evidence is available when the accident site is fresh. Even if your auto accident attorney calls in professional investigators later to develop your claim, the early evidence you capture can make a vital difference to how they proceed.
The right photographic evidence can effectively support your case
A comprehensive set of photos can provide direct evidence of fault or guide investigators when they determine what requires a closer look. While one experienced forensic investigator explains that an examination of the accident site is the first priority, even the passage of one day can eradicate important evidence. If you are healthy enough to remain on the scene, take as many pictures of everything that can help preserve evidence, such as the following:
Positions of vehicles after the crash
Damage to all involved vehicles
Road conditions, including wet surfaces
Skid marks on the road
Injuries before you receive treatment and periodically thereafter to show stitches and other treatments and bruising that may appear after the fact
Retain absolutely everything
Do not initiate auto repairs until all investigations are complete. You also need to recognize that items inside your vehicle can provide important evidence. While you and your passengers might toss torn or bloodied clothing as a matter of course, your garments can help show the severity of your injuries. Similarly, even spilled coffee can show the impact of the collision, so avoid cleanup until your auto accident lawyer or the insurance company handling the claim tells you the investigation is complete.