If you have been involved in a personal injury accident, you are likely hurt and confused. It is important that you not delay in getting the medical and legal help that you need so that you can protect your ability to seek financial compensation for your injuries and damages.
Act Quickly to Get Medical Treatment
It is not only important that you get prompt medical attention to protect your health, but also to protect any potential legal claims. Even if you do not notice any visible signs or symptoms of injury after the accident, you should still get medical treatment since some injuries, like whiplash or back injuries, do not manifest themselves for several hours or days and it is important to have as much medical documentation of your injuries, including a prompt initial diagnosis.
Make sure to follow your doctor’s instructions for recovery. If you do not follow your doctor’s instructions, you could be seen as exacerbating the medical condition, wh
ich can impact your ability to recover money damages for the injuries. You should also make sure to attend all doctor appointments so that the other party cannot argue that you exacerbated your injuries through your own actions or inactions.
Act Quickly to Get the Compensation You Deserve
Personal injury claims have strict a statute of limitations during which time the lawsuit can be filed. In Illinois, most personal injury claims must be filed within two years of the date of the accident. If you do not file a claim within the applicable time period, you will lose your right to seek compensation for your injuries or damages.
Act Quickly to Preserve Evidence
It is also important to begin a factual investigation to collect evidence as quickly as possible. Assessing liability in a personal injury accident involves a thorough factual investigation in order to obtain and preserve necessary evidence because, without the supporting evidence, you could hinder your ability to prove your case. The police report, witness statements, and accident reconstruction experts will all be used to provide information regarding the personal injury accident.