Settling Drunk Driving Accidents
Drunk driving is a serious offense that should come with strict consequences. An accident involving a driver who is impaired by alcohol or drugs often results in serious injury or death.
In Missouri if you are hit by an impaired motorist it is important that you seek the counsel of a car accident attorney immediately. The outcome of the drivers’ criminal proceedings can have an effect on your civil case.
Driving impaired is one of the 3 most common causes of traffic accidents and last year accounted for around 30% of all motor vehicle related fatalities. Losing a loved one due to such senseless action is devastating to the surviving family. And while money will not replace a human life, a car accident attorney can see to it that they are at least compensated for their pain and suffering.
Just this past September the family of one couple killed in a drunk driv
ing accident was awarded 35 million dollars. Another jury awarded a young man 2.4 million dollars for injuries he sustained when hit by a drunk driver back in 2011. Missouri state has seen juries grant awards as high as 89 million dollars to victims and their families who have been hit by an impaired motorist.
In the event that you are involved in an accident involving a drunk driver it is imperative that you speak first with a qualified car accident attorney before filing any claims with the drivers’ insurance company. Insurance companies are concerned with their best interest and will generally not offer you a fair settlement. The skills of an attorney may be required in order for you to receive the entire value of not just compensatory damages, but punitive damages as well. Insurance companies are well aware that juries are sympathetic to people who have been hurt or lost a loved one due to the negligence of a drunk driver and will go to great length to avoid having the case go to trial.
Besides jury sympathy, another reason why civil suits involving drunk driving can yield such high awards is the ability to name a 3rd party liable for the accident. For example: a bartender who is knowingly serving alcohol to an already intoxicated person or a party host who allows their inebriated house guest to drive home. In instances like these your car accident attorney will carefully study the results of the criminal proceedings, investigate the events leading up to crash and gather witness testimony to determine whether or not you are entitled to 3rd party compensation.
It is no secret that driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is grossly negligent behavior that should be punished to the fullest extent that the law allows. If you feel that you are entitled to compensation for injuries sustained by a drunk driving accident seek the advice of a reputable car accident attorney immediately.