Nebraska Traffic Accidents Continue Downtrend
The latest traffic accident statistics released by the Nebraska Department of Roads show a downward trend in fatal accidents.
The 2011 traffic crash report published by the Nebraska Department of Roads shows a continuing downtrend in the death rate. The traffic accident death rate was .93 people killed per 100 million miles traveled, which is the lowest rate reported since the state first began keeping traffic crash records in 1936. While fluctuations have occurred, the traffic accident death rate has been on a consistent overall decline since 1961 in the state. The Department of Roads attributes the overall decline to “improvements in vehicle design, roadway engineering, emergency medical services, specific safety programs, enforcement, and improved driver awareness.”
2011 saw 164 fatal traffic accidents in the state, which consisted of two fewer than the previous year. Fatal accidents, however, account for only .5 percent of all of the traffic accidents recorded in Nebraska. The majority of traffic crashes at almost 65 percent consist of property damage only. Injury accidents make up 34.6 percent of all traffic crashes. In 2011, over 11,000 injury crashes occurred and close to 21,000 property-damage-only accidents occurred. The Nebraska counties with the most traffic fatalities were Douglas and Lancaster. A traffic accident occurred in the state every 16 minutes injuring 44 persons per day and killing one person every 48 hours. According to the published report, the economic loss connected with Nebraska traffic crashes in 2011 was close to $2 billion.
For those involved in traffic crashes with resulting injuries or fatalities, seeking justice through personal injury or wrongful death claims or lawsuits can be complicated and confusing. Claims made to insurance carriers as well as lawsuits processed through the courts can be complex and frustrating, which is why it is important to enlist the guidance of an experienced attorney as soon as possible.