Every Los Angeles motorcyclist should know how the tort law gives them protection from unnecessary expenses in case they get involved in an accident. Under the said law, motorcycle accident victims may be entitled to damages in case they get involved in an accident that was caused by another party. Definition of Torts: In order for riders to fully appreciate and understand the tort law, it is essential to define “torts.”
According to Cornell University Law School’s Legal Information Institute (LII):
“Torts are civil wrongs recognized by law as grounds for a lawsuit. These wrongs result in an injury or harm constituting the basis for a claim by the injured party. While some torts are also crimes punishable with imprisonment, the primary aim of tort law is to provide relief for the damages incurred and to deter others from committing the same harms. The injured person may sue for an injunction to prevent the continuation of the tortious conduct or for monetary damages.”
Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries
Motorcycle accident victims are exposed to different forms of physical injuries. The following are the common injuries a motorcycle accident victim may sustain:
• Broken neck and shoulders;
• Multiple bone fracture;
• Traumatic brain injury;
• Spinal cord injury;
• Internal bleeding;
• Road rash;
• Abrasion;
• Cuts.
Treating any of the mentioned injuries can cost a lot of money, and the victim may find it hard to provide for the medical expenses. Hence, it is vital for the victim to file a personal injury claim to be eligible for compensations.
Claiming for Damages
Los Angeles motorcycle accident victims are advised to pursue a claim against the person or people who caused them injuries or harm. Commonly, accident victims are eligible for the following types of personal injury damages:
• Payments for hospital and medication expenses;
• Payments for loss of income;
• Payments for projected loss of income;
• Payments for motorcycle repair or replacement;
• Payments for legal fees;
• Payments for pain and suffering;
• Payments for mental anguish;
• Payments for emotional distress;
• Payments for loss of consortium.
Hiring an Attorney
Motorcycle accident claimants are strongly advised to hire a Los Angeles motorcycle attorney to handle all the legal processes that the claim may require. A motorcycle lawyer can help claimants in preparing legal documents, contacting witnesses, collecting pieces of evidence, and coordinating with the liable party’s legal counsel and insurance company.
Additionally, Los Angeles motorcyclists should familiarize themselves with the basics of tort law for them to legally protect themselves from irresponsible motorists.