Decrease in Excessive Speeding Tickets in Quebec, Canada

The relentlessness with which the authorities fight excessive speeding and their ubiquity on the roads of Quebec seem to have paid off. The number of excessive speeding tickets has seen a sharp decrease from 17,844 cases in 2008 to 7,400 cases in 2011. As of July 19, 2012 only 1,581 tickets have been issued.
The relentlessness with which the authorities fight excessive speeding and their ubiquity on the roads of Quebec seem to have paid off. The number of excessive speeding tickets has seen a sharp decrease from 17,844 cases in 2008 to 7,400 cases in 2011. As of July 19, 2012 only 1,581 tickets have been issued.

This decline is due in large part to the tougher road-violation penalties being enforced, since their introduction in April 2008 regarding excessive speeding tickets. Since then, the trend has been that fewer drivers are inclined to risk having to suffer harsh consequences and fines. These fines can cost as much as $1,950 for a first violation as well as a one week suspension of t
he driver’s license and the vehicle impounded for a month.

However, this notable decrease is far from being the norm. In fact, in Quebec, speeding tickets other than those which fall into the ‘excessive speeding’ category have seen an increase in 2010 in comparison to 2009.

Excessive speeding in Quebec is defined as exceeding a posted limit of 60 km/h by 40 km/h or more, a posted limit of 70-90 km/h by 50 km/h or more, or a posted limit of 100 km/h by 60 km/h or more.

Sources : The Gazette; Le journal de Montréal.