Laws That Went Into Effect In 2011
A few laws that went into effect this past year. The Illinois legislature changed the crosswalk law so that drivers must stop and stay stopped when pedestrians are crossing the street. You can't just yield to them, you must STOP! In late June, Gov. Pat Quinn signed into effect a law that requires back seat passengers to wear seat belts. The police can now stop vehicles if they notice a passenger isn’t strapped in.
The move strengthens the state’s current seat belt laws which require passengers in the front seat, and anyone under the age of 19, to wear safety belts.
Any person who drives a vehicle 30 miles per hour but less than 40 miles per hour in excess of the maximum speed limit is committing a Class B misdemeanor. The law also says that a person that is driving a vehicle at a speed that is 40 miles per hour or more in excess of the maximum speed limit is committing a Class A misdemeanor.
These laws have been put in place with the hope that drivers will avoid a having a car accident where someone is severally injured. If you do find yourself in a car accident, the lawyers at Ankin Law Office are highly experienced in handling all types of car accident cases.