Every year, thousands of Americans get killed due to distracted driving-related accidents. In fact, in 2010 alone, more than 3,000 people were killed and about 416,000 individuals were injured in road accidents involving distracted drivers.
Due to the dangers of distracted driving, the State of California implemented three vehicle codes to address the issue on traffic safety. These three traffic rules are:
Wireless Communications Device Law – This law took effect on January 2009, and it makes it an infraction to write, send, or read text messages while driving. Violators of this traffic law may be ticketed or be required to pay certain amount of fine.
California Vehicle Code Section 23123 – This vehicle code prohibits drivers from using their electronic handheld wireless telephone while driving a motor vehicle. Additionally, under it, California drivers aged 18 and above may use an electronic device while driving as long as it is a hands-free device. Consequently, non-complying motorists may be ticketed or fined.
California Vehicle Code Section 23124 – Pursuant to CVC 23124, drivers under the age of 18 are not allowed to use their cell phone while driving regardless if it is hands-free or not.
In this regard, California drivers must make sure that they follow the said rules; otherwise, they may become victims of distracted driving-related traffic accidents. Driving distracted significantly impairs a driver’s skills and performance as studies suggest. The following are some of the facts related to distracted driving:
• Drivers who text while driving lose their focus in driving by at least 37 percent.
• In the year 2008, roughly 28 percent of all traffic accidents were caused by distracted drivers.
• It is estimated that more than 50 percent of minor drivers use their cell phone while driving.
California motorists who get injured in a car accident caused by a distracted driver are advised to file a personal injury lawsuit. Under the tort law, car accident victims have the right to claim for injury lawsuit against the liable party involved. Furthermore, accident victims may be entitled to recover for personal injury damages.
Common recoverable damages in a distracted driving-related personal injury lawsuit include:
• Payments for medical bills.
• Payments for loss of income.
• Payments for pain and suffering.
• Payments for loss of consortium.
• Payments for mental anguish and emotional distress.
Car accident claimants in California are suggested to hire a Los Angeles car accident attorney who can represent them in claiming for their case. Their lawyer can guide them in the whole process of settlement of the case.