This article discusses the items you should bring to the initial consultation with an attorney. Many times individuals forget to bring things, thus making the process more complicated. When you are going to meet with a Dallas personal injury lawyer regarding your injury incident be sure to bring the following items:
Photos. Bring all photos that you have taken related to your injury matter. Ideally, bring the photos on a CD or jump drive (or negatives) in their original highest quality form. If you have printed photos, bring those, too. Especially include any photos you may have taken of the incident scene and of your injuries at the time of the accident, as well as during the healing process.
Witnesses. Bring the names and contact information of any persons who could be potential witnesses in your case. Make a list that includes the full names of each person, their contact information (such as phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, etc.), and a summary of the relevant information that they may possess.
Prescriptions. Bring all of the prescription bottles from any medicines that you are currently taking, as well as all bottles (or packaging) of any medicine that you have taken since the time of your injuries. Also, bring any medical apparatus that was recommended for use with your injuries such as crutches, walking casts, prosthesis, physical therapy equipment, etc.
Receipts. Bring copies of all medical bills and insurance statements. Bring all receipts from any other medical related expenditure or from other services or goods purchased as a result of your injuries.
Writings. Bring any and all journals & writings that you kept to document what occurred in your case. If you have not already done so, you should write down how your life has changed and make a list of specific changes.
Include changes to your daily life and anything that is now embarrassing to do. Also, list what things you used to do but can no longer do and what things you can do but cause you pain. Finally, be sure to jot down the date, time, and specific instances of any suspicious behavior that has occurred around you since the time of the incident. Sometimes, private investigators are hired by opposing parties in personal injury cases.
Earnings. Bring a copy of your last tax return, paystubs from before and after the injury, and any other documents that evidence your earnings before and after your accident.
These are all items that your Dallas personal injury lawyer will want to see and keep in his possession to help settle or take your case to trial.