Canton Car Accident Victims Often Suffer Whiplash Injuries

One common injury from Canton car crashes is whiplash. Whiplash can be very painful and long-lasting, including various medical treatments. Many victims of car accidents in Canton, GA have suffered major injuries from car accidents of all kind. The most common Canton car accident injury people have to deal with is neck and shoulder area injury.
The Kalka & Baer law firm has seen some of the worst car, bike, truck and motorcycle accidents in Georgia. As a personal injury law firm, we choose clients that are real victims of traffic accidents.

Most people associate this area of the body and car accidents together to be whiplash. Whiplash is simply defined as the injury itself and the symptoms that follow the injury. It is the traumatic “snapping” back and forth (or side to side) of a person’s neck. This is a common car accident injury as the impact of two or more cars colliding wreaks havoc on the driver and/or passenger’s body.

Accidents like this where a car rear ends another car can frequently result in whiplash inju
ries. People who experience whiplash from a motor vehicle accident usually see some of the following symptoms associated with whiplash:

Neck pain;
Sleep problems;
Poor concentration;
Poor memory;
Blurry vision;
Ringing in the ears;
Weakness in neck, shoulder area.

Car accidents victims have to go through a lot of medical treatment to fully recover, depending on the stage and degree of the problem. Treatment can involve physical therapy, injections, MRIs, X-Rays and maybe even surgery. Below are some statistics from about the recovery rate of whiplash patients.

15% - 20% of whiplash patients develop chronic pain.
70% of whiplash patients have fully recovered by one year.
80% of whiplash patients have fully recovered by two years.