Whether you've been arrested for driving on a suspended license, hit and run, reckless driving, speeding or eluding police, it is critical that you obtain the services of a skilled Fairfax traffic defense lawyer. Why? Your driver's license is at stake, and you may face serious penalties which can impact your life.
It's easy to believe that a minor accident or speeding ticket is no big deal, but it is. Steep fines, possible jail time and demerit points on your driving record are some of the penalties you may be subjected to if convicted on a traffic offense.
Experienced traffic defense attorneys in Fairfax know how serious certain offenses are, and the implications if convicted. For example, if you are charged with reckless driving, if convicted you will face fines of as much as $2,500 and up to 12 months in jail. Your driving privileges may also be suspended for as long as 6 months. However, a skilled Fairfax traffic defense attorney is often capable of having the charges reduced to improper dr
iving, a traffic infraction which is punishable by a maximum fine of $500. With this result, the accused spends no time in jail and retains his/her driving privileges.
You would think that driving on a suspended license would be a less serious offense, but in fact it is very serious. As with reckless driving, you will face up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500 if convicted. In addition, additional suspension time will be added to the length of time your license was previously suspended for, effectively doubled. If, for example, your license was originally suspended for 6 months and you are convicted for driving on a suspended license, your license may be suspended for an additional 6 months. This offense will remain on your driving record for 11 years; your auto insurance premiums may increase, or your carrier may decide to discontinue your coverage completely.
As you can see, traffic violations are not to be taken lightly in the state of Virginia. Regardless of how minor you believe the offense you committed is, it is important that you consult with a reputable Fairfax traffic defense lawyer who will guide you on what the options are, answer your questions and provide you with an effective defense should you choose.
Don't risk your driving rights and your freedom by choosing to believe you do not need legal counsel. Talented Fairfax traffic defense attorneys know that there are numerous defenses that can be used on your behalf to protect you from harsh penalties. Depending upon your driving record and the details surrounding your arrest, it could be that a capable lawyer can have the charges against you completely dismissed.