A school bus driver forgot one of the tenants of good winter driving-- keeping an adequate distance between vehicles-- when he swerved the bus to avoid hitting another car that apparently lost control. The bus landed in a ditch on the side of the road injuring six of the children inside. The six injured children were transported to Advocate Condell Medical Center.
While I'm not certain of the specifics surrounding this particular school bus crash, many bus accidents are due to the negligence of the bus driver. Particularly in icy weather, it is crucial for school bus drivers to use extreme care as their large vehicles require far greater distance to stop and maneuver.
School Bus Accidents
School buses and other types of pupil transportation account for an amazing 0 Billion rides to and from school every year. Considering how many students are transported and the number of trips made, school buses are a remarkably safe mode of transportation. Over the past ten years there have been less than 30 children killed in school bus-related accide
nts on an annualized basis.
Nonetheless, any time a child is injured, serious attention deserves to be focused on how the injury came about. Particularly, when we begin to look children injured in school bus accidents, we tend to see a pattern where driver inattention and negligence plays a substantial role in many incidents.
Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers has represented children involved in several types of school bus accidents including:
- Buses rear-ending other vehicles;
- Drivers skidding off road;
- Reckless driving;
- Sexual abuse;
- Children thrown out of the bus; and
- Children hit by the bus while entering / exiting.