The impact of a brain injury does can be relatively minor or end up affecting the lives of the entire family of the victim for years to come.
A traumatic brain injury can have a lasting impact, not only on the victim, but on family members as well. A fractured leg or arm is certainly painful, but it eventually heals. A brain injury can last a lifetime. Usually there is no cure but only therapy to alleviate the symptoms. If the brain injury is the result of someone's negligence it is then the job of a skilled brain injury lawyer to seek compensation for the victim. A large verdict or settlement will not cure the victim, but it can help to relieve some of the stress of life.
Experienced Florida brain injury lawyers have an expertise far beyond knowledge of the law. The vast complexity of the human brain calls for lawyerly skills that develop over years of handling these cases. It is not only the intellectual appreciation of the details of the medical aspects of the case that is required. An experienced brain injury lawyer also must have the ability to deal with the emotional trauma that impacts the victim and the family.
A loved one afflicted with a traumatic brain injury can suddenly become a stranger in the household, a different person from who the person was prior to the injury. The symptoms of a trauma to the brain can range to the less severe such as mild memory loss to the devastating impact of profound brain damage which can include paralysis and total cognitive breakdown. Florida brain injury lawyers have seen it all, and most important, have learned how to interact with the family of the victim not only as skilled lawyers but as informal family counselors.
In recent years the problem of concussions in football has been making headlines. A concussion happens when the brain makes contact with the skull. It is such a common injury that we have become immune to the serious consequences. There are variations in the degree of a concussion from mild to severe. The problem worsens when a ballplayer suffers repeated concussions. Athletic leaders at all levels from professional to high school are finally paying attention. Rule changes have been introduced to ban, for example, using the head as a battering ram when making a tackle. Helmet design has also improved over the years.
Concussions, of course, are not limited to sports. A car accident, for example, can result in a concussion by the simple physics of a person's body and head suddenly coming to an immediate stop from a high speed - without the benefit of a helmet.
If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury, an experienced Florida brain injury lawyer may be able to get you the compensation that you deserve.