How Does a DUI in PA Affect You?
A Pennsylvania DUI conviction can have a serious impact on your personal and professional life. A PA DUI can result in significant DUI penalties, including fines, driver's license suspension and jail. Due to the severity of the consequences of a DUI conviction, if you have been charged with DUI or a DUI-related offense in Montgomery County, PA, you should seek the assistance of an experienced Montgomery County, PA DUI lawyer as soon as possible.
Pennsylvania DUI Penalties
In Montgomery County and all of eastern Pennsylvania, police, prosecutors and judges are under pressure to make arrests, get convictions and impose stiff penalties for DUI offenders. The potential penalties for a DUI conviction are harsh. When you are charged with a DUI in PA, you are at risk for any or all of the following outcomes:
Jail time;
Criminal record;
Suspension of your PA Driver's License;
Substantial fines;
Increased car insurance rates;
Required drug and alcohol treatment;
Ignition interlock; and
Mandatory alcohol education classes.
Penalties for DUI in PA are based in part on your blood alcohol level, or BAC, at the time of your arrest as well as the number of previous offenses, if any, that you have on your record. There are three tiers of BAC levels in Pennsylvania.
Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide legal advice as individual situations will differ and should be discussed with an expert and/or lawyer. For specific technical or legal advice on the information provided and related topics, please contact the author.