Automotive Defect Liability: What You Need to Know If Youre In a Car Accident
In single car crashes, automotive defects may be the cause or at least a contributing factor. You had seen countless examples in the last 20 years including the Ford Explore Rollovers cases and the Toyota Unintentional Acceleration Cases. Anytime you are in a car accident, you need an attorney to evaluate your case and determine if it could have been prevented.
Defective Automobiles and the Responsibility of Car Makers
Were you severely injured in a car accident? In numerous single car accidents, a defective auto part or design is to blame. When an auto maker designs and builds an automobile, it has an duty to make sure the auto will give you protection to the driver and passengers in a motor vehicle crash. Not all injuries can be prevented, but in the event that a flawed car component or safety device, seat belt, airbag or other component leads to a fatal injury, victims family's the right to damages. If a cherished one has been killed in an automobile accident involving a malfunctioning vehicle, family members will have a wrongful death claim versus the vehicle maker.
The Clore Law Group's South Carolina attorneys stand ready to resolved automobile defects law suits for individuals and their families whose family members were killed in wrecks against the majority of the automobile producers. Sometimes the design is to blame. The company didn't choose to commit the budget required which a safe and secure alternative would've cost. At other times, the manufacturing process or resources are malfunctioning. In any case, the manufacturer ought to have practiced better judgment. The Clore Law Group's car defect lawyers have dealt with law suits involved with an array of defects:
SUV Rollovers;
Seat Back Failure;
Braking mechanism Malfunctions;
Seat-belt Failures;
Airbag Deployment;
Tire Tread Failure or Separation; and
Fuel System Leakage.
Even if you think your accident was your fault, you should talk to a lawyer. We witnessed people being sent to prison for vehicular homicide before it was determined a faulty accelerator resulted in unintentional acceleration. A qualified lawyer can help determine if there was a product defect causing or contributing to your injuries. If your family suffered the death of a family member because of bad vehicle, permit the South Carolina accidental death lawyers with the Clore Law Group LLC work for the purpose of right reparation on your behalf.