If you are cited for a Florida commercial vehicle traffic violation you could lose more than just your license.
Florida has a thriving commercial vehicle industry with many trucking routes running along I-95, I-10, and I-75 to neighboring states. If you make a living driving a commercial vehicle and are charged with numerous instances of a Florida traffic violation, you could lose not only your license but also your ability to do your job.
A Miami traffic violation attorney understands the demand your job has for keeping your commercial vehicle license valid and clean. An experienced attorney can help you understand the charges against you and how to best fight the violations for which you are accused.
Florida Statutes Regarding Commercial Vehicle Violations
The Florida statutes have several laws in place regarding how a Florida traffic violation impacts drivers of a commercial vehicle. There is a limit of 2 Florida traffic violation citations within a 3-year period for which a commercial vehicle driver can be found guilty before serious penalties are levied.
The types of Florida traffic violation considered under this law are:
• violation of any state or local law relating to motor vehicle traffic control (aside from parking, weight, or equipment violations);
• reckless driving;
• careless driving;
• fleeing or attempting to avoid a law enforcement officer;
• driving a commercial vehicle which is not properly insured;
• speeding 15 miles per hour or more over the posted speed limit;
• improper lane change;
• driving a commercial vehicle without a valid commercial drivers license; and
• driving a commercial vehicle without a valid commercial drivers license for that class of vehicle.
When you are found guilty of these types of Florida traffic violations, it may result in license suspension and fines, as well as certain penalties for the specific violation. However, there are more serious types of Florida traffic violation which can disqualify you from operating a commercial vehicle for a period of 1 year or more.
If you are caught driving a commercial vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance, leave the scene of a crash involving another vehicle, use the commercial vehicle in the commission of a felony, refuse a chemical test to determine blood alcohol concentration, drive with a revoked license, or cause a fatality, you can be permanently disqualified from driving a commercial vehicle.
Consequences of a Florida Traffic Violation in a Commercial Vehicle
The Florida statutes impose penalties for instances of a Florida traffic violation when in a commercial vehicle. While these penalties are frustrating enough on their own, there are other consequences that may also arise from this sort of conviction.
If driving a commercial vehicle is part of your employment, your license suspension or revocation could cost you your job. Multiple instances of a Florida traffic violation which results in license suspension or revocation will go on your driving record and be a potential obstacle to future employers.
The best choice to make when facing a Florida traffic violation in a commercial vehicle is to have a Miami traffic violation attorney on your side. Your attorney can help you fight the charges you face to avoid license suspension or revocation. Your line of work may depend on the good standing of your commercial driver’s license, and you cannot afford to risk a bad record!