Penalties for driving without a license are more than jail time and fines, you could permanently lose your chance at getting a license in the future. Talk to a South Florida traffic defense attorney.
While in some cases, yes, you may not have had a license to start and are guilty of the violation, but there are other cases where you may have been unaware that your license was not considered valid. If you feel your violation was in error and wish to challenge it, you need to talk to a South Florida traffic defense attorney.
There are many reasons that you may be caught driving without a license in Florida.
Reasons your Driver License May Have Been Invalid
Traffic violations aren’t the only reason your driver license may have been suspended or revoked. There are plenty of other circumstances that can result in license suspension such as the following:
• failing to pay child support or alimony;
• forgetting to renew your license;
• accumulating 12 points or more on your record;
• failing to pay your car insurance premium; and
• accruing unpaid traffic violations/tickets.
The Florida Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) offers a free online license status check that you should review periodically to make sure your license is in good standing. An officer won’t take excuses when they pull you over if you tell them you weren’t aware your license was suspended or expired.
Penalties for Driving Without a License in Florida
Your South Florida traffic defense attorney can explain the potential consequences you may face if you are cited for this violation. The penalties will differ depending on the reason you were pulled over and whether your license was just invalid, revoked, suspended or you had no license at all.
The basic penalties for driving without a valid license include a minimum fine of $63 and 2 points on your driving record. Remember that in Florida you will have a 30-day suspension on your license if you accumulate 12 points in a 12 month period. A South Florida traffic defense attorney can help you avoid these points by fighting your case in court.
If you are caught driving with a suspended or revoked license that resulted from a prior Driving Under the Influence (DUI) arrest the penalties increase to up to 60 days jail time and fines starting at $500. Your period of suspension will also reset and begin once you are released from jail.
If your license was permanently revoked for any reason the fees increase to $5,000 and may result in 3rd degree felony charges. This can severely impact your criminal record and future employment opportunities.
Fighting a Citation for Driving Without a License
In most cases the officer that stopped you for driving without a license won’t take excuses as they write the citation. To plead your case, you’ll need a South Florida traffic defense attorney to help you bring the case to court. There are many valid excuses for why you were driving without a license, and depending on your circumstances you may be able to get the penalties reduced or dropped.
You have nothing to lose when you seek to protect your rights to a fair traffic defense against charges of driving without a license.