Post-Traumatic Stress After a Car Accident
Dealing with PTSD can be very hard, especially because it can be difficult to diagnose and symptoms can be different for everyone. PTSD is very common after a car accident, and if treatment is received, you may be able to get compensation for your treatment in a personal injury claim.
After a car accident, many people are scared to drive, nervous in cars, or jumpy at the sound of braking or sirens - these are all very common symptoms of PTSD after a car accident. Common symptoms include: guilt, anger, nightmares, flashbacks, pain, fear, depression, endangerment, numbness and social disconnection.
Common treatments include: psychotherapy, group therapy and cognitive behavior therapy.
Like any other type of injury that results from a car crash, PTSD can be compensated through the at-fault driver's insurance. So if you are suffering from PTSD, get diagnosed and treated, and then send the bills to the adjuster assigned to your accident case. If the adjuster tries to deny your claim for compensation, contact an experienced personal injury attorney in your state to fight for your right to compensation - PTSD is a serious condition and you deserve to have your bills taken care of.