If you confidently feel that you can text while driving, you better think again. According to reports of California Highway Patrol, using of cell phones while driving is one of the preliminary reasons for car accidents in California. Statistics from the U.S. Department of Transportation show that distracted driving was accounted for 6,000 deaths and 500,000 injuries in 2009.
If you confidently feel that you can text while driving, you better think again. According to reports of California Highway Patrol, using of cell phones while driving is one of the preliminary reasons for car accidents in California. Statistics from the U.S. Department of Transportation show that distracted driving was accounted for 6,000 deaths and 500,000 injuries in 2009.
When a driver use his or her cell phone while driving, he or she tends to ignore traffic signs and rules, and fails to keep an on the road. Researchers found out that texting driver spend up to 400 percent less time looking at the road than those who don’t text.
Why texting while driving is dangerous
Here are some data showing why texting drivers are likely to cause car accidents:
• Texting while behind the wheel increases the possibilities of a car crash 4 times more
• Texting decreases the activity of the brain related to driving by 37 percent
• Truck drivers who use cell phone while driving is 23 times more prone to accident
• Approximately 28 percent of all car accidents in 2008 were caused by texting drivers from ages 18 to 29
• 75 percent of the adult who use their cell phone while behind the wheel as compared to 52 percent of the teenagers
Inattentive driving can result to terrible car accidents, as cliché as it may sound, avoiding it can help in keeping the road safe to all. The following are helpful tips on how to abstain from texting during driving alone:
1. Before driving, send a text message to anyone who will probably send you a message, and ask him or her not to text you for a period of time while you are behind the wheel
2. Place your cell phone out of reach, or turn it off
3. If you have an important text message to send, pull over
4. Resist. Even the stop sign is on, better not to use your cell phone
5. Remember, virtually most all of text messages can wait
Using of mobile phone while driving has became one of the contributing factors to car accidents in California, and all over the world. A responsible and safe-conscious driver never uses his or her phone while driving because it can create unimaginable accidents on the road.