A car crash may leave you with serious injuries. It is possible that you may develop chronic pain syndrome (CPS).
This type of injury and condition presents a challenge to healthcare providers because it is complex in nature. The term is loosely defined which can make it hard to diagnose. There is also a poor response to therapy generally seen in patients.
Chronic Pain Syndrome after a Car Crash in Aurora, Illinois
CPS is a condition with symptoms that typically do not respond to a standard medical approach and instead is best managed with a multidisciplinary approach. This means that doctors must address and attempt to treat the condition with extensive knowledge of multiple organ systems and how they intertwine with each other.
If you have CPS your doctor will need a thorough and complete medical history from you to prepare a plan for your treatment. Your doctor will examine most of your body systems including your musculoskeletal, reproductive, gastrointestinal, urologic and neuropsychological systems.
Coping With Chronic Pain Syndrome
The effects of chronic pain syndrome may be permanent, and this is something that, although troubling, needs to be addressed. Doctors have reported that often stress can exacerbate the symptoms and pain associated with CPS.
Post traumatic stress can also worsen CPS and some patients will subsequently develop depression. If these additional symptoms and stressors are left untreated the chronic pain syndrome could continue to worsen and extend the healing period for whatever other injuries you have suffered from the accident.
CPS may also have a significant financial impact on you and your family. To better cope with the condition you will most likely undergo various types of therapy, both physical and psychological.
Depending on the severity of your chronic pain syndrome and what body regions are affected you may be unable to return to work. These life altering changes are undoubtedly difficult and therapy can help you through the transitional period.
Hiring an Aurora injury attorney can also help in the coping process because he or she can alleviate some of the stress by handling things like paperwork and talking with insurance companies. If you ever have questions or concerns about the legal process or your injury claim your attorney will be able to help right away