Broken bones are common injuries from accidents of all varieties, but especially likely from a motorcycle accident in Indiana due to the minimal protection afforded to riders. If someone else’s negligence or recklessness is to blame for your accident, you may be able to seek the compensation you are rightly entitled to for your injuries.
A bone breaks in a motorcycle accident in Indiana when part of the bone is incapable of sustaining the force of an impact it’s been placed under. High-energy impacts such as car crashes can cause these fractures as well as low-energy events such as a stress fracture from a repetitive activity or motion. An Indianapolis injury law firm will be able to explain your injury to a judge or jury.
In the event of a motorcycle accident in Indiana, high-energy events that result in acute breaks are frequent.
Signs and Symptoms of a Broken Bone
Signs and symptoms of a broken bone from a motorcycle accident in Indiana include:
• pain from movement or pressure;
• bone exposed;
• deformed limbs or joints;
• discoloration or numbness; and
• abnormally positioned or angled limbs.
The treatment for a broken bone depends on the severity and type of the break, and the costs can easily surpass $10,000 if surgery is involved. An Indianapolis injury law firm can help you navigate the personal injury claim channels relevant to your accident and explore all of the avenues of compensation that may be available to you for injuries from your motorcycle accident in Indiana. You may be able to recover medical expenses, lost wages and damages for pain and suffering.
In addition, complications are frequent after suffering a broken bone. For instance, in a break in the ankle or foot, accident victims are at high risk for arthritis, bone infection and compartment syndromes; broken arms carry the risk of osteoarthritis and nerve damage. An Indianapolis injury law firm will fight the negligent parties and insurance company for the compensation you need to treat enduring conditions caused by your motorcycle accident in Indiana.