It’s important to understand uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, after you’ve been involved in traffic accidents in Indianapolis. For legal help, call an Indianapolis lawyer.
Are you a driver in Indiana? Are you familiar with the Indiana laws regarding motorist insurance? You should be able to protect yourself and loved ones from others on the road in case you become a victim in traffic accidents in Indianapolis.
Under Indiana law, every driver is required to be covered by liability insurance in order to operate a motor vehicle on a public road. The minimum insurance requirement is $25,000 total damages per accident. This means that every driver must have enough insurance to pay any damages that result from an accident they are at fault for. They will be responsible for up to $25,000 in damages.
However there are still drivers who defy the laws and regulations regarding motorist insurance. Some driver’s do not have enough insurance or fail to have any insurance at all.
Indiana offers drivers the option to protect themselves by purchasing uninsured (UM) and underinsured (UIM) motorist coverage. Every automobile insurance carrier sells these policies to equal the amount of the liability portion of the other insurance policies they offer.
What Does UM/UIM Coverage Do?
• protects drivers from the uninsured and underinsured drivers on the road by insuring their protection in the case of traffic accidents in Indianapolis; and
• pay for all of your sustained damages (including medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering, etc).
Why is it Important to Get UM/UIM Coverage?
If you were to be involved in any traffic accidents in Indianapolis and the parties at fault did not have insurance or insufficient insurance to pay for your medical bills for the injuries you sustained from the accident while it was their fault, you would be responsible for paying the remainder of the bill.
However, if you were to purchase UM/UIM coverage this would not occur. Instead, all of your expenses would be covered because you had the pre-emptive protection under the UM/UIM plan. This coverage is important if you are a driver in Indianapolis, particularly if you are an insured driver because you do not know who you may be sharing the road with or when traffic accidents in Indianapolis will happen.
Talk to a local Indianapolis lawyer or your insurance company about your options and what would be the best course of action for you. By hiring an Indianapolis lawyer, you may reduce any chances of you ending up paying for your own injuries that were not your fault at all. Your Indianapolis lawyer is a trained professional when it comes to traffic accidents in Indianapolis and will work hard for your to pursue the compensation you deserve.