Think you might have a meniscus tear? If you or someone you love has been injured in any type of Indianapolis accidents, contact the team at Hensley Legal Group for a free consultation 1-888-552-0595.
If you have recently been part of one of the many Indianapolis accidents and are experiencing knee pain and/or swelling you may be a victim of a meniscus tear. If this is the case then it is advised that you contact an attorney at one of the law firms in Indianapolis to file a personal injury claim.
Symptoms of Meniscus Tears After Indianapolis Accidents
Meniscus tears can be identified by multiple symptoms:
• pain and swelling in the knee;
• consistent joint locking or a difficulty in straightening the joint;
• tenderness surrounding the injured area;
• popping of the knee joint; and
• difficulty moving or limited motion of the knee joint.
The meniscus is a disc in the knee that helps the body balance its weight. The tear can be minor to severe. With a minor tear there will only be mild pain that will subside within a couple weeks. A moderate tear includes a sharp pain whenever the joint is moved or bent. Lastly, a severe tear is characterized by popping knee joints and overall inability to put pressure on the knee joint.
If any of these symptoms apply to your Indianapolis accidents injury, be sure to seek treatment first and then contact the law firms in Indianapolis. It is important to secure the services from one of the law firms in Indianapolis because there are treatments and damages that you will be able to recover if the opposing party was responsible for your Indianapolis accidents.
After you are Diagnosed with a Meniscus Tear in an Indianapolis Accident
Medical bills for your meniscus tear can add up unexpectedly and quickly with medication, hospitalization bills, possible knee surgery and a full recovery period that can last months with intensive physical therapy sessions.
During the recovery period you will most likely be unable to work which will result in lost wages and emotional hardship caused by stress of the entire ordeal. In a negligence case as a plaintiff, for Indianapolis accidents, you may be eligible to recover damages for all of these costs.
It is of the utmost importance to contact your law firms in Indianapolis to begin working on filing your personal injury claim in a negligence case. With a personal injury lawyer by your side he or she can help you answer any questions or concerns regarding the claim and what damages you may be entitled to. With an injury like this, it is important to take proper action and to do so as soon as possible.