Concussions from an accident are deceptively serious injuries. Contact an Indianapolis accident attorney to discuss your Indiana auto accident claim.
An auto accident in Indiana can lead to a variety of injuries ranging from mild to more severe and life-changing. One of the most frequent injuries associated with a car accident is a concussion, a much more serious injury than many think. An Indianapolis accident attorney can help you file an Indiana auto accident claim to get the treatment you need.
Insurance companies constantly downplay the severity of a concussion. If you’re experiencing this in your Indiana auto accident claim, contact an Indianapolis accident attorney who will fight for the fair compensation you deserve to treat your injuries.
Traits of a Concussion after a Serious Auto Accident
A concussion is the most common variant of traumatic brain injury (TBI). This type of injury is caused by any blunt force or trauma to the head; however, its frequency doesn’t make it any less serious in your Indiana auto accident claim. An Indianapolis accident attorney will fight for the full compensation of your injuries.
Symptoms include:
• loss of consciousness usually shortly after head trauma or injury;
• loss of short-term memory;
• vomiting or nausea;
• lightheadedness, dizziness or headache;
• confusion; and
• blurred vision.
If you experience any of these symptoms after an accident and haven’t yet been treated for a concussion, seek immediate medical attention and describe your symptoms in detail to your attending physician and to the Indianapolis accident attorney representing you in your Indiana auto accident claim.
Long-Term Effects of a Concussion from an Auto Accident
Post-concussion patients most frequently complain about problems with memory, mood swings, and lack of ability to focus or concentrate on tasks. Many report losing interest in hobbies that they once enjoyed. Without proper treatment, these symptoms can last for decades. TBI has been linked to the development of dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s in later years.
If you or someone you love has suffered a concussion or what seems like a concussion from an auto accident, seek immediate medical attention before filing an Indiana auto accident claim. Even if your head injury doesn’t seem serious, your Indianapolis accident attorney will recommend you have it examined to either rule out the possibility of TBI or to begin a treatment plan.
Reach out to an Indianapolis accident attorney about filing an Indiana auto accident claim to receive compensation that you need to keep living your life after a concussion in an auto accident.