For those with a casual interest in motorcycles, riding as a passenger can be a perfect opportunity.
As a passenger, you can experience the joy of the ride without the commitment of learning how to ride alone. However, whether you are a seasoned rider or a first-time passenger, motorcycles can be dangerous. To protect yourself, take adequate safety precautions before you climb on the back of a motorcycle.
First, make sure the rider you are joining has enough experience to safely carry a passenger. Riding with a passenger changes the experience for a motorcycle rider; with the added weight, the bike can be more difficult to handle and less responsive. Riders have to learn how to handle the bike with passengers, but they do not have to learn while you are the passenger. Keep yourself safe by only riding with people who have had the time to practice.
Before you get on a bike, make sure you have the appropriate gear. Serious motorcyclists understand the value of safety gear, and may have spare equipment for passengers. Helmets, long pants, riding gloves, motorcycle jackets and motorcycle boots are not worn just for the image. A properly fitting helmet can help to prevent severe brain injuries if you are involved in a motorcycle accident. With the appropriate clothing, you are adding a layer of protection between your skin and the road.
If you have never been on a motorcycle before, make sure to talk to the driver about how you can be a good passenger. Your body positioning affects the driver’s control of the bike. Discussing this in advance can help to ensure that you react to changing conditions in a way that will not interfere with the rider’s ability to steer. The rider can provide guidance regarding where you should place your feet and where you should put your hands to ensure you are secure.
Riding a motorcycle can be thrilling experience, but it is important to place a premium on safety. Failing to take appropriate safety precautions can result in life-altering motorcycle accidents. Before accepting a ride, make sure you are protected.